Saturday, January 9, 2010

7 More Vital Vitamins for Pregnant Women

When you are pregnant it is important that you fully appreciate the significance of vitamins and minerals. They are essential for the healthy development of your unborn baby. Therefore, you need to know what the various vitamins do and more importantly how you can make them a part of your diet. In this article I discuss seven of these important vitamins and minerals in greater detail

1) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):- This vitamin helps your baby's brain and nervous system develop. In some cases it has also been noted to reduce morning sickness. Pyridoxine can be sourced in; bananas, watermelon, chick peas and chicken breast.

2) Calcium:- This mineral is essential for the development of your baby's bones and your need for this mineral will increase greatly during pregnancy. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoprosis (porous bones) and reduce the strength of your baby's bones. Calcium is contained in lots of dairy products such as; milk, cheese, yogurt, spinach, tofu and broccoli.

3) Vitamin E:- This vitamin helps a baby's muscles and red blood cells to develop. A lack of Vitamin E has been linked with low birthweight, whilst getting too much of this vitamin has been associated with stillbirth. It is therefore vital that you ask for your doctor's advice before considering Vitamin E supplementation. You can get Vitamin E in a number of foods including; vegetable oil, nuts, and fortified cereals.

4) Iron:- This mineral plays a major role in the development of red blood cells which are required for the healthy development of your baby. Iron is also an important mineral in the growth of the placenta. Iron can be sourced from; red meats, vegetables, grains and fortified cereals.

5) Protein:- Protein is one of the core building blocks in all your baby's body cells. The need for protein increases during the second and third trimester of your pregnancy. Many dietary products are rich in protein including; meat, fish, eggs, cheese and tofu. It can also be found in supplements such as bars and shakes.

6) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin):- This vitamin is essential for the development of your baby's central nervous system. Not getting enough Thiamin can put your baby at risk of beriberi which can damage the baby's heart and lungs. Foods which contain Thiamin include; whole grain foods, wheat germ and eggs.

7) Zinc:- This mineral is highly important for cell growth in your unborn baby. Zinc also promotes the production of enzymes such as insulin in pregnant women. Zinc can be found in; red meats, poultry, beans, grains and dairy products.

Vitamins and minerals are a crucial part of any pregnant woman's diet. I hope this article gives you some guidance on which vitamins you need and where you can find them. However, for professional advice on the vitamins and minerals you will require during your pregnancy you should consult your doctor.

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