Also, get lots of information about responsible sexuality, and accept, not really clear. There are economic factors influence the lack of contraceptive measures, because teenagers are easy to access.
teenage pregnancy is a health risk group, among other factors, nutritional issues. adolescent girls are not yet completed their development, therefore, their nutritional needs are higher than in an adult woman. This added requirement for the fetus, so the strength in teenagers who are pregnant, it's better for adult women.
In addition, we must consider that the eating habits of young people, often less. Despite all this, teenage pregnancy is high risk, it can cause complications such as slow growth provides a premature, cesarean section, preeclampsia, and other conditions more common in this age group.
During the teenage years are a series of physiological and emotional changes that can endanger the mother and child. In people under 15, increased risk of abortion, the provision of prematurity, cesarean delivery because of physiological immaturity.
Programme for the prevention of teenage pregnancy, a point to get rid of, other information about adolescents and normal function of her body, and reports about contraception.
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